Returns: Factory Recall for Portrait Bundle

We recently became aware of a factory fault in our portrait book bags, where the handles are showing signs of coming loose on some units. Please note this is only applicable to the GR 4-6 (7 BAGS) Afrikaans bundle purchased from 1 November 2023 to date.

To rectify this issue and uphold our commitment to quality, we are taking immediate action to address the problem. Our team is actively working on a solution to reinforce the handles on the affected bags.

We understand the importance of reliable products, and we want to assure you that we are dedicated to resolving this matter promptly. If you have purchased any bags exhibiting this problem:

  1. Please complete the below form
  2. Place all 7 bags form the Gr 4 -6 Bundle in a bag. (Please note the EBW and Tegnologie bags are from a different supplier so there is not need to send them back)
  3. A copy of this form will be sent to your email address. Please print this copy and place in the bag.
  4. Close and seal this bag off for delivery or collection
  5. Please deliver to our address if possible
  6. Or await further instructions
  7. Please complete the return form by no later than 20 March 2024

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding as we work diligently to correct this oversight. Your satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us, and we are committed to delivering a resolution that meets your expectations.

Thank you for your continued support.

Gr.4-6 Portrait Bundle Factory Recall
Please check the below to confirm that you understand the conditions of this return

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+27 83 417 3341

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Carien O'Leary

+27 82 584 2922



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